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Licenças de lançamento para aplicações empresariais
4D Server Starter Pack – 2 Usuários
Com a assinatura do 4D Server Starter Pack, você ganha acesso a uma aplicação poderosa começando com 2 usuários se conectando de Windows, macOS, um navegador, uma aplicação Qodly, ou móvel.
Por apenas 30€ ao mês por usuário, personalize a solução para suas necessidades, adicionando quantos clientes precisar.
$ 720.00
A assinatura 4D Desktop permite aplicações desktop monousuário em Windows ou macOS.
Por $20 por computador por mês, fornece acesso aos conjuntos de funcionalidades avançadas de 4D Write Pro e 4D View Pro.
$ 240.00
Programas de Desenvolvimento
Se for um consultor de desenvolvimento, assine o nível SILVER Partner para ter acesso a ferramentas e serviços para construir aplicações desktop, cliente/servidor, web, Qodly e móvel.
O nível SILVER Partner inclui o ambiente de desenvolvimento 4D Developer Professional para um desenvolvedor, assim como 4D Server para testes.
Para times de desenvolvimento 4D, assine o nível GOLD Partner para ter acesso a todas as ferramentas e serviços para construir aplicações cliente/servidor, web, Qodly e móvel.
O nível GOLD Partner integra o ambiente de desenvolvimento 4D Developer Professional para 3 desenvolvedores, junto com 4D Server para ambiente de teste.
Para grandes equipe de desenvolvimento 4D, assine o nível PLATINUM Partner para ter acesso a todas as ferramentas e serviços para construir aplicações avançadas cliente/servidor, web, Qodly e móveis.
O nível PLATINUM Partner integra o ambiente de desenvolvimento 4D Developer Professional para 5 desenvolvedores, junto com 4D Server para ambiente de teste.
Para desenvolver aplicações pessoais ou pequenas aplicações cliente/servidor, assine o nível BRONZE Partner para ter acesso a todas as ferramentas que você precisa
O nível BRONZE Partner integra o ambiente de desenvolvimento 4D Developer Standard para um desenvolvedor.
Com 4D Server, ganhe acesso para executar uma poderosa aplicação de negócios começando com 2 usuários conectados de Windows, macOS, um navegador web, uma aplicação Qodly, ou móvel.
Adapte a solução a suas necessidades, adicionando quantos clientes forem necessários ao ritmo de seu negócio.
$ 2,179.00
Getting Started with 4D
Build your first 4D application with ORDA in Project Mode
Learn how to build a simple, fast, and ergonomic interface, using the most current methods of coding with 4D, using ORDA and objects, in Project Mode.
In this training session with Reda Mourad, you will learn, step by step, how to build a 4D application from scratch using the newest methods of coding with 4D.
$ 429.00
Run your 4D application in a web browser. Discover Qodly Studio
In this Masterclass you will learn step-by-step how to quickly move your existing 4D application to the web using Qodly Studio.
$ 119.00
Mudar para Modo Projeto para aproveitar o máximo das funcionalidades 4D
This training goes over all the benefits that 4D Project Mode brings to developers in the different aspects of their work.
$ 80.00
4D for iOS – Construindo seu primeiro app iOS, pronto para offline
Discover how and when to use 4D for iOS to expand your business application through a presentation of use cases.
$ 80.00
Objects for beginners: Everything you need to know about objects in 4D
Learn the fundamental aspects of objects so you can put them to optimal use.
$ 60.00
The fundamentals of ORDA (Object Relational Data Access)
In this session, you’ll discover important concepts while taking your first steps with ORDA (Object Relational Data Access).
$ 60.00
This 5-session training allows new developers to learn the main concepts of the 4D language and database, coding in classic mode.
Note: If you are joining a team developing a business application using the modern language and concepts of 4D, this other course will better suit your needs.
$ 429.00
All Levels
Accelerate your application's transition to the web with Qodly Studio • Level 1
Using Qodly Studio for 4D, learn how fast it is to develop and add web interfaces to your existing application.
$ 399.00
Make your 4D development easier and more productive using Git as your version control system.
$ 180.00
In this training session with Thomas Maul, 4D's VP of Product Strategy, you’ll dive into the new world of possibilities brought by classes.
$ 90.00
In this training, Thomas Maul, 4D's VP of Product Strategy, explains the advantages of the Project mode in 4D and what you need to know as a developer to use it.
$ 149.00
All about running methods on the server
In a client/server system, it can be useful to move a client-side process to the server to be run server-side.
Different options are available for developers who can build synchronous or asynchronous solutions.
$ 60.00
Is your application ready for ORDA (Object Relational Data Access)?
ORDA (Object Relational Data Access) is opening a new world in 4D allowing you to code using an object-oriented approach to easily navigate through your entire data model.
$ 60.00
Discover how to implement a user class through the fundamental aspects of this notion..
By the end of the session, you will be able to compare classic code with code using a class and see the value of this notion for implementation in your own projects.
$ 60.00
In this training session with Achim Peschke, Technical Director at 4D Germany, you'll learn how to add exciting spreadsheet and reporting possibilities to a business application.
$ 180.00
Unlock the Power of .query() - Mastering dataclass searches in your 4D application
IIn this Masterclass, we will unlock the power of 4D for you as a developer and your users – by taking full advantage of the .query() member function on dataclasses.
$ 119.00
4D Write Pro and 4D View Pro meet 4D 20 – the Next Level of Smart Templating
In this Masterclass, we will access any content of a database application very easily from 4D Write Pro and 4D View Pro. But not as records.
With the help of ORDA, we use the data in a new way from entities and entity selections.
$ 119.00
SystemWorkers are here!
In this Masterclass, learn how this feature opens the door to new possibilities.
$ 60.00
Advanced Options for the Application Builder
This Masterclass will explain the benefits of building your 4D app and how to take full advantage of various build options.
$ 60.00
4D v19 marked another milestone with the introduction of Scalable Web Sessions. Learn how to take advantage of this feature to get the most out of your 4D Web Server application.
$ 119.00
Project Mode and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery
In this Masterclass, we will present the fundamentals of Project Mode, as well as best practices and tips for team development using the latest version management tools.
$ 119.00
4D Write Pro & 4D View Pro Meet ORDA
Learn with Achim how using ORDA for manipulating data with both productivity modules will boost your features' potential and their performance.
$ 149.00
This session focuses on the best practices to properly develop client/server applications with 4D v19.
$ 80.00
4D Web Server – Activando as capacidades preventivas de 4D
Discover how the combination of the language’s session object and extensible sessions (multiprocess) revolutionizes the possibilities offered by the 4D Web Server.
$ 80.00
Benefit from 4D Write Pro and make the most of its set of tools to build complex documents by gathering elements from other documents and data.
$ 80.00
4D View Pro – Coleta e manipulação de dados para construir planilhas de dados complexas
Learn how fast it is to build a complex sheet with 4D View Pro, optimize spreadJS manipulations, and many more.
$ 80.00
Introduction to extending data classes
Discover how you can extend data classes to create business functions to meet your specific needs.
$ 60.00
Out of the box client/server optimizations with ORDA
Explore the built-in ORDA client/server optimizations.
These optimizations are implemented automatically to limit the exchanges between clients and the server.
$ 60.00
Analyzing and measuring are the two keywords to understand what’s going on under the hood and to code most efficiently.
This session illustrates these different options with concrete examples and will propose a study of the exchanges generated with the server.
$ 60.00
Advanced training by JPR
Level Up your 4D Skills – by JPR
Take your 4D skills to the next level and get an in-depth look at how you can build even more efficient business applications.
In this training with JPR, a 4D expert for more than 35 years, you'll learn advanced techniques and best practices to improve your business application.
$ 559.00
4D Summit 2020 – Advanced Training by JPR
With the introduction of Objects, 4D started a revolution by introducing a real object-oriented development environment.
This change was inevitable, due to the fast pace of computer evolution, the ready availability of memory and storage, and the constant necessity of increasing developer productivity.
This revolution also introduced a terrific change in application analysis and programming.
$ 499.00